An invitation to join:

Book Arts Santa Cruz is organization for everyone interested in the book arts.

In the early 1980s a group of Santa Cruz letterpress printers actively involved in making fine press books formed the Printers' Chappel of Santa Cruz. Today, because the world of the book has changed, and there are so many people interested in the book arts who are not letterpress printers, members of the SCPC have decided to create a new organization, Book Arts Santa Cruz. We welcome and want to include printers, printmakers, graphic designers, marblers, calligraphers, scrap bookers, binders, papermakers, book collectors, artists… in other words, everyone interested in the book arts, novices and professionals alike.

If you want to be part of BASC, send an email to Matt at, or call Peter at 475-1455

Friday, July 6, 2012

Meet Karen Kunc at our "informal" July 17th meeting

Dear Book Arts Santa Cruz,

You are invited to attend a cocktail reception at the Tannery with artist Karen Kunc on Tuesday, July 17th from 5:30-7:30pm. Please see the invitation note below:

Although this is not an official BASC meeting, BASC members are invited to attend:

Printmakers at the Tannery (PATT), the Jewelry Toolery and Wishy Washi Bookarts Studio, invite you to come to a cocktail reception in their newly opened studios to meet internationally recognized woodcut artist Karen Kunc as part of her CabrilloArts teaching assignment. This potluck cocktail party will be held Tuesday, July 17 from 5:30 - 7:30. Other instructors will be introduced and include Celeste Baross, Martha Casanave, Macy Chadwick, Steve Jordan, Carrie Grissim, Rocky Lewycky,Margaret Niven and Sayumi Youkuchi. We would appreciate it if you could bring some wine or beer or an appetizer. (Thank you so much!) 

To park, drive past the Tannery main entrance (at Encinal St), as if you were heading to Felton, and turn right into the North entrance, right after you pass the building with the Salz Tannery sign (if you see the bus yard on your right, if gone a bit to far). Park in the visitors' spaces, and walk toward the buildings, past the house-like building on your right (currently under construction) and into the first hallway of the large Studio Building on your right (this is the 1060 building, as noted on the attached map).  The Printmakers at the Tannery (PATT) studio is #107, Wishi Washis studio is #105 and the Jewlery Toolery is studios 101-102.

Please feel free to email Jane Gregorius ( or call (831-423-8433) with any questions. You can reply to BASC with questions as well.

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