The Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History third Friday series:
January Poetry and Book Arts Extravaganza
Friday January 20 2012
5-9pm $5 General Admission, $3 Students
Join us at the MAH for an evening of poetry, book arts, performances, discussions, workshops and demonstrations for all ages and skill levels.
The MAH and Book Arts Santa Cruz are bringing together some of Santa Cruz’s leading book arts artists for this evening extravaganza. These artists will remind you never to judge a book by its cover with workshops that transform the printed page into altered books, book art sculpture, book collage and paper folding books.
Learn the art of papermaking, how to use a table top press, monoprinting, laser cutting, and book binding.
Poetry Santa Cruz has selected an array of dynamic local poets for poetry readings in our auditorium. Listen in as the spoken word inspires you to write some of your own poems throughout the museum. Add your own poem, word, or line to our stairway of chalk poems, poetry map of Santa Cruz, artwork and exhibitions. And don’t be surprised if a slam poet pops up in an unexpected place.
In partnership with Book Arts Santa Cruz and Poetry Santa Cruz.
Thank you to the following collaborating artists, poets and organizations:
MakersFactory, Poetry Santa Cruz, The Legendary Santa Cruz Poetry Slam, Book Arts Santa Cruz, Beth Regardz, Chris Yonge, Crystal Franco, Daniella Woolf, Danusha Laméris, Donna Thomas, Felicia Rice, Heidi Cramer, Jody Alexander, Kevin Holmes, Len Anderson, Matt Cohen, Peter Thomas, Robert Sward, and Gary Young.